Nuevos Washi Tapes y Guía de Regalos Gatuna ★ New washi tapes and Cat Gift Guide
Mientras preparaba los pedidos que enviaré el viernes, el cartero me ha traido un paquete que esperaba con mucha emoción...
While I was preparing the orders, the postman brought me a package I was waiting with excitement ...
While I was preparing the orders, the postman brought me a package I was waiting with excitement ...
... ¡Los nuevos washi tapes! No me he resistido a hacerles una foto para compartirla con vosotros, ya que sé que por aquí hay varios amantes de los washi tapes como yo ; )
...The new washi tapes! I could not resist to take a picture to share with you, because I know that here are washi tapes lovers like me ; )
...The new washi tapes! I could not resist to take a picture to share with you, because I know that here are washi tapes lovers like me ; )
Parece que nunca son muchos washi tapes. Seguro que os encantarán las nuevas cajas y bolsitas de regalo que prepararé para tobilleras, brazaletes, pendientes, collares y todos los kandy diseños... : )
They never seem to be many washi tapes. I am sure you will love the new boxes and gift bags I am going to prepare for anklets, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and all kandy designs ... : )
Diseños handmade inspirados en los gatos...
Handmade designs inspired by cats...
Y hablando de collares, el Gato Enmascarado ha hecho una de sus últimas apariciones en esta increíble colección de etsy!
And speaking of necklaces, the masked cat has done his last appearances in this amazing etsy treasury collection!
And speaking of necklaces, the masked cat has done his last appearances in this amazing etsy treasury collection!
'I love cats' by FunkySunday
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